Amarok is for the believers of magic, for those who wield it and for those who are cursed by it. Their ancestors have lived in this land for centuries - their camp is a bee-hive like cavern, and their forest filled with enchantment. Amarok is a pack where dark and light collide, where hearts are warm and cold at once, where they care for their own and at times where they care for those in need. Amarok is just and brave. They fight for what is right and they bend the rules to get there. They live by what their soul feels and what their heart says. Don't get me wrong, this is not always a good thing. Hearts can lead to revenge and murder, but hearts can also lead to love and a gentle hand. Be warned, when you tread our land, however, because in Amarok, it's not the wolves who choose your fate, it's the magic they are surrounded with.







amarok is located deep in the pine forest. their camp is protected but at the same time seen as a weakness by those who look on from the outside. there is a hill in the center of the forest, where a large boulder rests. behind this boulder, slipping through the crack large enough for a single wolf to enter, is the camp of amarok. a long hall stretches downward through a dark tunnel until an opening is reached. it opens into a ginormous cavern with sunlight streaming in from the top. built almost like a hive, dens line the walls with a thin path traveling around and around the cavern leading to the den entrances. the alpha, along with the healer and the beta, are stationed at the bottom of the cavern, and the dens build upward - gammas, novices, elders, and finally the nurseries. while the top of the cavern is the top of the hill on the outside, if any wolf were to try to come in they would fall to their death.


the silver pines are a mystery to the forest, no one knows how they got there or why they are there in the first place. the silver pines are exactly that - silver pine trees that glow like moonlight. they are located only around the camp of amarok, encasing it in a large ring of silver light. beautiful and captivating, they are siren-like plants. it pulls wolves in and drowns them, confuses them, and most importantly, leads them away from the wolves of amarok. they make the mind muddled, and sometimes, wolves get lost forever in their glittering leaves and die, however since the wolves of amarok have moved in, they provide a helping paw to those that find themselves lost. the silver pines have no effect on the amarok wolves, they are their protectors. their magic is beyond anything that any living creature can comprehend, and it fills the forest with its light.


when a pup reaches the age of six moons, they become a novice. unlike a normal ceremony, the magic of the pack chooses the way the novice will be trained. all wolves in amarok wear a stone around their neck, see-through and one of three colors (blue, green, or yellow). this color determines their skill set: blue for strength, green for hunting, and yellow for healing. all wolves are trained in these three aspects, and only on the day of their warrior ceremony will those with a yellow stone know whether they were meant to be a healer or a warrior. the stone starts out as a plain rock, and the pups will stand before them accordingly. when the stone changes color, the new novice will be trained by another wolf with the same color of stone so that their strengths are encouraged more so.


the pool sits at the center of the camp, deep below in the cavern. it is said that the pool contains magic, and its powers are able to heal some of the most horrid wounds. the wolves of amarok believe that the pool gives the silver trees their life, as the pool glows silver too. the wolves do not drink from the pool unless they are near death, and even then they wade in it to see if first the water can heal them from the outside. while they do not use the pool as a water source, small streams run in and out of the cavern, but none contact the silver pool.


the warrior stone is a special stone that shows the decades of warriors that have come before the wolves that live within the cavern today. a stone that had once been silver now runs red beneath the new paw prints, where the wolves of amarok's ancestors once placed there paw on the stone and made their mark with their own blood. now, the wolves use the magic of the silver pool. the warrior stone sits in the middle of the pool, in the center of the camp. when a novice comes of age and is named a warrior, they walk through the pool and place their paw on the warrior stone - first it glows silver, and the the paw print will turn a color that represents the soul (gray, black, or white) and often times it will show a mixed paw, two colors that represent a wolf's place in the pack (blue for leader, red for warrior, purple for healer).